So it is on the eve of my 29th birthday (again) that I write this entry. Yes, can you believe it, I'm turning 29 again. I certainly don't feel that old, but I guess there is just something about being around Army folks that makes me feel juvenile and sometimes, dare I say, infantile... I've includede some pictures to show just how juvenile we can be!
Yes, that is a Pirate bandana I'm wearing...
One of the Air Farce guys, Ryan, that works with me had a cyst on the side of his melon. The DOC here cut it open to remove it, but it left a 1 inch cut w/ maybe four or five stiches. He and I joked that it was the lobotomy he was required to have in order to work w/ the Army. We seem to think it quite hilarious, but for some reasone I don't think our Army superiors find it quite as humorous... Can't imagine why not?
This is Ehren - He's gone now, but he sure enjoyed that BLUE lolli-pop!!
I anxiously await the beginning of the Husky football game, which will actually be televised. I honestly believe that the DAWGS have a chance at this one, considering that they are a much better team than anyone expected, AND they are playing at home before what I am sure to be a capacity crowd. But let's not get side tracked here, let's talk about me some more...
I will be turning 29 again, tomorrow, and I hope that you will all consider me for a moment during your day. If you're out and about watching football, working in the yard, slaving over a hot stove - just please take a few seconds, minutes, even an hour or two, hell, the whole day for that matter, and dedicate some thoughts to yours truly. Believe me, you will be better for it.
I haven't received all of my presents yet, but I'm sure that they are just delayed in the mail system. I do appreciate all of you sending me stuff. That was very kind. When I'm rich and famous - after I write and sell my book about the NArmy - I will invite you to all of my parties...
All joking aside, I can honestly say that I am not exactly where I had hoped, expected, dreamed or much less wanted to be at this point in my life. Never, not once, did I ever think to myself, "Self, I sure would like to have an all expense paid trip to Afghanistan, where every single day is exactly the same, where I don't get a single minute of flight time, not a drop of Irish Nectar - okay, maybe a few drops - but that I am so busy that I often don't have time to workout, read a book or God forbid, post an entry in my BLOG.
I'll admit, I'm feeling a bit depressed, now that I think about it, and can only hope I can hold off a complete "spill" into the abyss until November when I get to take two weeks of leave. I hope that the improvements I have made in the Air Travel system will ease the workload and improve (limit) my day to day stress, allow more time in the gym, for reading and/or for general mayhem. I recently received some squirt guns from my squadron, so I hope to put them to good use... Did I mention being here sometimes (often) leads to juvenile behavior? Maybe it's all the sugar...
For example, this is about 2 million in Afghani funds, which equals about $8.37 US. Okay, actually it is more like $45k. This was a birthday gift from an Afghan Warlord - no it wasn't. My God, you'll believe anything... Oh, note to self: Self - the tough guy look makes you look more like Jay Leno than Tony Soprano... No more "tough guy face" - Check? Check! Now put that money back in the safe...
The fact that football season has finally arrived gives me something to look forward to, and as I think a few months into the future and the last football game being played - I will have but a month or so left in this Godforsaken land. Thank God for pigskin!
That's a picture of a few guys tossing the pigskin at dusk - just in case you can't quite see it!!
The time here has not really been that bad, for the most part it really and truly is "AFGHANtastic!" There is plenty here to make me laugh - usually something from the "common man" or funny and strange tales that we share while sitting around in the dining hall. I really need to take a few more pictures to share, and I'm not sure if it will work but I will try to post some video here that people can watch. Please let me know if you're able to download and view...
Hopefully this works - it's a C-130 taking off and then it completely engulfs me in dust & sand... I've titled it: Sand Blast!!
Nope that didn't work... I hope you enjoyed it, anyway. It was really cool. You are very welcome!! Don't mention it... Okay, if you really want to see it, email me and I will send it to you. This BLOG page won't seem to accept my Sand Blast! video... I will continue to try to improve my computer illiteracy that maybe someday I will actually be able to accomplish such simple tasks as adding video to my blog. Maybe I'll be able to figure out how to do this by my 29th birthday next year... Prob'ly not.
Well, I'm off to call my parents in Hawaii so they can wish me Happy Birthday - somehow that seems so backwards... Having to call people so that they can wish me happy birthday. Oh well, I'm desperate for love and attention, so I'll just assume that you are all thinking about me for the next 24 hours, rushing around buying me gifts, etc. But please, nothing too extravagant - please limit yourselves to $100, okay, $200 is fine - when making those purchases. Really, it means a lot to me. Thank you, in advance for all your love and attention tomorrow. And don't forget, prayers are free!!
If my camera worked, I would post a picture here of me charging off to hunt rascals w/ my four remaining squirt guns, but the batteries are dead, so you'll just have to imagine it. And, here's a goofy picture of a guy on a mule instead...
Here's another one...