Wednesday, February 20

Final Push...

Hey everyone. Not even sure if anyone is still reading this. I haven't written in awhil and only one person commented on that fact... Anyway, nothing has changed, nothing has improved and very little worthy of note has occurred in several weeks, so I really didn't have anything to report. But, as I lean into the final stretch and begin preparation for the long journey home I wanted to once again ask for everyone's help. We are now only about $1100 shy of our $10K goal to provide two young Local Nationals with the necessary heart surgeries they need. The Navy Team, with LT Jobe Galli at the lead has already provided vital surgery for one youngster and desperately hope to raise the funds so we can ensure these second and third surgeries are provided before we end our service here in Afghanistan.

Every little bit helps, so whether you give $5, $50 or $500, know that your money will go to a very good cause. So skip that Latte or last round and give a few bills to help provide two young Afghani children with an opportunity at life.


Hi Everyone,

It’s been a while since my last update…Sandy at the International Children’s Heart Foundation says we have raised $8,825 for the surgeries of Rashida and Nassir. I think one last push should get us the remaining $1,175 and bring us to the goal of $10,000.

The International Children’s Heart Foundation has set the dates for the next mission to Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Pending the remaining funds, Nassir and Rashida will receive their life saving surgery between March 24th and April 5th. Right now I’m working on helping the two families with visas and passports so they can make the trip.

The Rashida’s and Nassir’s parents have asked me to pass on their sincerest thanks to all those who have donated and worked to help save their children. Believe me, word gets around about the generosity of Americans, who send money to the other side of the world, to save kids who they have never met, and will never meet. It goes a long way toward helping our cause and I will never be able to thank you enough.

We’re doing great, only a little ways to go. Click the link below if you wish to make a donation, and forward this to anyone else you think might be interested. Thanks!

The link for donations to this cause has moved to the bottom of the babyheart website and now says “LT Galli progressing toward fund raising goal”.

Take care everyone,

Looking forward to seeing everyone this Spring or Fall.
God Bless and thank you for your generosity.
Much Love to all,