Friday, November 30

I don't even know where to begin...

Sorry folks, but I am at a loss for words this AM. (Ha ha ha... I know that's hard to believe!) But let me explain... Last night I wrote (what I considered to be) a very interesting and humorous description of the 8 hour convoy I'd just gone on. As this was my first Operational Mission and part of my new job I thought that it would be interesting to write about.

Then as I'd attempte to save it, so that I could go back in and add a few photos prior to posting it, something went wrong and I lost the entire BLOG posting. Even now, I'm just not quite capable of attempting that one again. I think I'd invested, at a minimum, an hour describing the whole event.

I will say this... We got lost - kind of... I guess not so much lost as the route that we wanted to take became "unnavigable." So our detour added about 2 1/2 hours to an already rather long trip.

I got to see a lot of the countryside, ate a lot of dust, bounced around the back of a HUMVEE for several hours and still have all my teeth, (I was afraid some of them would be rattled from my head during some SEVERE offroading) although I'm still trying to get the sand and grit out of them. I might be a tad bit shorter when you see me, as I'm pretty sure that my spine has been compressed, as well.

Suffice it to say, it was not quite as fun as I'd hoped, we didn't get to shoot or detain any bad guys, I was nearly comatose after 8+ hours in the back of a HUMVEE being jostled around in a VERY cramped place. I may attempt a re-write of the original BLOG, but no promises.

Have a great day!