Is there really a concern here? See, I have to ask this question everytime I go into the latrine and see this sign. I wonder to myself, "Self (cuz I really do actually address myself in this manner), why do you think they put this sign here. Do you think it was the common man, or was it a very bright man, that was concerned FOR the common man, that maybe he was so wise, that he realized the importance of putting this sign in such a location as to prevent the common man - as we seem to have so many of them here - from actually using this water to brush his teeth or maybe fill a canteen or two? Or was this put here by a very humorous man, such as myself, that would find joy and underhanded pleasure at this particular sign every single time that he entered the restroom?" These are the things that I think to myself as I stand there reading this sign.
Why, you might ask, would these thoughts enter my mind while in the latrine reading this sign. So let me try to explain a little further. Most of the signs are right above the sinks in these small buildings that we call "latrines" - but this one, on the other hand, sits conveniently right above the urinal.... Yes, folks someone thought it necessary to warn the troops that this water was not suitable for drinking... Now believe me, there are many a "common man" on this base, but the thought of someone being SO stupid that they would actually use a urinal to fill a canteen, wash their hands or God forbid, brush their teeth. It is truly a wonder to me each and every time I go into the restroom, "is this really necessary?" or "was this placed here BY the common man, or is it in fact FOR the common man?" So far I have not witnessed anyone actually using this urinal - or any other, for that matter - in such a way as to suggest the need for such a sign, but truthfully, maybe it is BECAUSE of this sign. One can only wonder.
Now, some of you might be wondering what the other sign so precisely located directly above the urinal might be for, so I took a quick picture of that one, too. Now this is a color chart, showing a range from white to a yellowish-orange color. It is supposed to represent the color of one's urine as an easy guide to determine your current level of dehydration. Of course, some of you probably already know that if your urine is clear, then you are in fact properly hydrated, or as is often my case, you have just consumed a dozen or so light beers... On the other hand, if your urine is not clear, it will indicate (based on this chart there are only 4) varying degrees of dehydration.
Oh, in case anyone was wondering where I was just now, I had to go check my hydration level and you will all be glad to know that I am, as usual, in the "second from the bottom-th" degree of hydration - or dehydration if you will... I am instructed by this very sign to "drink more water," which I would gladly do if they could just put a tiny bit more wheat and yeast into it for me. Seems this country is severely lacking in these fine American resources. Regardless, I am not in the upper two quadrants of the "dehydration scale" which would require me to "drink water IMMEDIATELY." You would be able to read this if this picture were at all legible - in case anyone was wondering, this is exactly what Fletch - yes, Irwin M. Fletcher - said that to Mrs. Stanwyck regarding the bogus lease of 100 acres of wheatgrass she'd purchased out in Utah... Just in case you were wondering... If you are not familiar with Fletch, I highly suggest that you run your cute little tush out to Blockbuster and rent it, or we can no longer be friends. Oh, you won't find it in DVD, yes folks, you will only find Fletch in VHS. If you are so cool that you no longer own a VHS player and have graduated to all DVDs now, then you are probably WAY too cool for me anyway and there is no need for us to continue our friendship.
And while we're on the subject of wheat, yes, I realize that I got a bit off subject there, but I rather like the interuption just prior the segue... Gotta keep ya on your toes, otherwise the common man had somehow manage to sneak onto this Blog site therefore, I write this way to utterly and completely confuse him. If you are confused, please turn your computer off now.... For you may be the common man - or woman - or I'm so tired and delirious that this only makes sense to me... Okay, back to the wheat. Yes, there was an important reason for bringing up the wheat, but now I believe the lack of it in my system is somehow effecting my memory.
Oh yes, that's it. The liquids here are totally devoid of such ingredients as wheat and barley. They have never even heard of HOPS here. Can you believe it? I most certainly CAN NOT. If anyone out there would be so kind as to send me some barley, yeast AND hops, I would be most appreciative. We are not allowed to have alcohol, so you will have to send it to me in dry form. I'm hoping that if I ingest it slow enough and in the right order, it will have the desired effect...
Okay, not really. I already tried that. The barley gets stuck in my teeth, and the yeast gives me gas... Okay, the common man is actually understanding this, which is causing me to worry that I've degraded myself so. The truth of the matter is, that this job is driving me to drink, and you can only tolerate so much Gatorade and Mt. Dew.
I hope you are all doing wonderfully and that my latest chapter, however idiodic it may seem to some, brought laughter and joy to the rest of you... God Bless!